Welcome to Watch D.O.G.S
(Dads of Great Students)
Home of the WATCH D.O.G.S Program~ Established in 1998
Watch D.O.G.S. is a nationwide program that brings dads and father figures into schools. Here at Dickinson/Explorer, we have dads come for a full day of working in various classrooms, going to recess and lunch, and helping with any special program we might have happening that day. This might include working in the Wetlands, helping set up and tear down for assemblies, or assisting kids in the Toymaker workshop. During the day, you might find yourself helping students with math facts, writing papers, reading stories, assisting with art projects, or playing educational board games.
Our annual Information Night is (MORE INFO THIS FALL 2024/25)
Past watch dog Dads:- Come to sign up for a date!
New Watch Dog Dads:- Come for an informational meeting and Free Donuts.
Thank you for being so interested in the Watch D.O.G.S. program. Contact me for questions and scheduling.
James (Kimo) Spray,
Associate Principal, jspray@lwsd.org
Watch D.O.G.S. Coordinator
Dickinson/Explorer Schools